Strong AI Isn’t Here Yet

Epistemic Status: moderately confident. Thanks to Andrew Critch for a very fruitful discussion that clarified my views on this topic.  Some edits due to Thomas Colthurst.

I’ve heard a fair amount of discussion by generally well-informed people who believe that bigger and better deep learning systems, not fundamentally different from those which exist today, will soon become capable of general intelligence — that is, human-level or higher cognition.

I don’t believe this is true.

In other words, I believe that if we develop strong AI in some reasonably short timeframe (less than a hundred years from now or something like that), it will be due to some conceptual breakthrough, and not merely due to continuing to scale up and incrementally modify existing deep learning algorithms.

To be clear on what I mean by a “breakthrough”, I’m thinking of things like neural networks (1957) and backpropagation (1986) [ETA: actually dates back to 1974, from Paul Werbos’ thesis] as major machine learning advances, and types of neural network architecture such as LSTMs (1997), convolutional neural nets (1998), or neural Turing machines (2016) as minor advances.

I’ve spoken to people who think that we will not need even minor advances before we get to strong AI; I think this is very unlikely.

Predicate Logic and Probability

As David Chapman points out in Probability Theory Does Not Extend Logic, one of the important things humans can do is predicate calculus, also known as first-order logic. Predicate calculus allows you to use the quantifiers “for all” and “there exists” as well as the operators “and”, “or”, and “not.”

Predicate calculus makes it possible to make general claims like “All men are mortal”.  Propositional calculus, which consists only of “and”, “or”, and “not”, cannot make such statements; it is limited to statements like “Socrates is mortal” and “Plato is mortal” and “Socrates and Plato are men.”

Inductive reasoning is the process of making predictions from data. If you’ve seen 999 men who are mortal, Bayesian reasoning tells you that the 1000th man is also likely to be mortal. Deductive reasoning is the process of applying general principles: if you know that all men are mortal, you know that Socrates is mortal.  In human psychological development, according to Piaget, deductive reasoning is more difficult and comes later — people don’t learn it until adolescence.  Deductive reasoning depends on predicate calculus, not just propositional calculus.

It’s possible to view propositional calculus as an extension of probability theory. For instance, MIRI’s logical induction paper constructs a (not very efficient) algorithm for assigning probabilities to all sentences in a propositional logic language plus some axioms, such that the probabilities learn to approximate the true computed values faster than it would take to compute the truth of propositions.  For example, if we are given the axioms of first-order logic, the logical induction criterion gives us a probability distribution over all “worlds” consistent with those axioms. (A “world” is an assignment of Boolean truth values to sentences in propositional calculus.)

What’s not necessarily known is how to assign probabilities to sentences in predicate calculus in a way consistent with the laws of probability.

Part of why this is so difficult is because it touches on questions of ontology. To translate “All men are mortal” into probability theory, one has to define a sample space. What are “men”?  How many “men” are there? If your basic units of data are 64×64 pixel images, how are you going to divide that space up into “men”?  And if tomorrow you upgrade to 128×128 images, how can you be sure that when you construct your collection of “men” from the new data, that it’s consistent with the old collection of “men”?  And how do you set up your statements about “all men” so that none of them break when you change the raw data?

This is the problem I alluded to in Choice of Ontology.  A type of object that behaves properly under ontology changes is a concept, as opposed to a percept (a cluster of data points that are similar along some metric.)  Images that are similar in Euclidean distance to a stick-figure form a percept, but “man” is a concept. And I don’t think we know how to implement concepts in machine-learning language, and I think we might have to do so in order to “learn” predicate-logic statements.

Stuart Russell wrote in 2014,

An important consequence of uncertainty in a world of things: there will be uncertainty about what things are in the world. Real objects seldom wear unique identifiers or preannounce their existence like the cast of a play. In the case of vision, for example, the existence of objects must be inferred from raw data (pixels) that contain no explicit object references at all. If, however, one has a probabilistic model of the ways in which worlds can be composed of objects and of how objects cause pixel values, then inference can propose the existence of objects given only pixel values as evidence. Similar arguments apply to areas such as natural language understanding, web mining, and computer security.

The difference between knowing all the objects in advance and inferring their existence and identity from observation corresponds to an important but often overlooked distinction between closed-universe languages such as SQL and logic programs and open-universe languages such as full first-order logic.

How to deduce “things” or “objects” or “concepts” and then perform inference about them is a hard and unsolved conceptual problem.  Since humans do manage to reason about objects and concepts, this seems like a necessary condition for “human-level general AI”, even though machines do outperform humans at specific tasks like arithmetic, chess, Go, and image classification.

Neural Networks Are Probabilistic Models

A neural network is composed of nodes, which take as inputs values from their “parent” nodes, combine them according to the weights on the edges, transform them according to some transfer function, and then pass along a value to their “child” nodes. All neural nets, no matter the difference in their architecture, follow this basic format.

A neural network is, in a sense, a simplification of a Bayesian probability model. If you put probability distributions rather than single numbers on the edge weights, then the neural network architecture can be interpreted probabilistically. The probability of a target classification given the input data is given by a likelihood function; there’s a prior over the distribution of weights; and as data comes in, you can update to a posterior distribution over the weights, thereby “learning” the correct weights on the network.  Doing gradient descent on the weights (as you do in an ordinary neural network) finds the maximum likelihood values of the posterior distributions on the weights in the Bayesian network paradigm.

What this means is that neural networks are simplifications or restrictions of probabilistic models. If we don’t know how to solve a problem with a Bayesian network, then a fortiori we don’t know how to solve it with deep learning either (except for considerations of efficiency and scale — deep neural nets can be much larger and faster than Bayes nets.)

We don’t know how to assign and update probabilities on predicate statements using Bayes nets, in a coherent and general manner. So we don’t know how to do that with neural nets either, except to the degree that neural nets are simpler or easier to work with than general Bayes nets.

For instance, as Thomas Colthurst points out in the comments, message passing algorithms don’t provably work in general Bayes nets, but do work in feedforward neural nets, which don’t have cycles. It may be that neural nets provide a restricted domain in which modeling predicate statements probabilistically is more tractable. I would have to learn more about this.

Do You Feel Lucky?

If you believe that learning “concepts” or “objects” is necessary for general intelligence (either for reasons of predicate logic or otherwise), then in order to believe that current deep learning techniques are already capable of general intelligence, you’d have to believe that deep networks are going to figure out how to represent objects somehow under the hood, without human beings needing to have conceptual understanding of how that works.

Perhaps, in the process of training a robot to navigate a room, that robot will represent the concept of “chairs” and “tables” and even derive general claims like “objects fall down when dropped”, all via reinforcement learning.

I find myself skeptical of this.

In something like image recognition, where convolutional neural networks work very well, there’s human conceptual understanding of the world of vision going on under the hood. We know that natural 2-d images generally are fairly smooth, so expanding them in terms of a multiscale wavelet basis is efficient, and that’s pretty much what convnets do.  They’re also inspired by the structure of the visual cortex.  In some sense, researchers know some things about how image recognition works on an algorithmic level.

I suspect that, similarly, we’d have to have understanding of how concepts work on an algorithmic level in order to train conceptual learning.  I used to think I knew how they worked; now I think I was describing high-level percepts, and I really don’t know what concepts are.

The idea that you can throw a bunch of computing power at a scientific problem, without understanding of fundamentals, and get out answers, is something that I’ve become very skeptical of, based on examples from biology where bigger drug screening programs and more molecular biology understanding don’t necessarily lead to more successful drugs.  It’s not in-principle impossible that you could have enough data to overcome the problem of multiple hypothesis testing, but modern science doesn’t have a great track record of actually doing that.

Getting artificial intelligence “by accident” from really big neural nets seems unlikely to me in the same way that getting a cure for cancer “by accident” from combining huge amounts of “omics” data seems unlikely to me.

What I’m Not Saying

I’m not saying that strong AI is impossible in principle.

I’m not saying that strong AI won’t be developed, with conceptual breakthroughs.  Researchers are working on conceptually novel approaches like differentiable computing and program induction that might lead to machines that can learn concepts and predicates.

I’m not saying that narrow AI might not be a very big deal, economically and technologically and culturally.

I’m not trying to malign the accomplishments of people who work on deep learning. (I admire them greatly and am trying to get up to speed in the field myself, and think deep learning is pretty awesome.)

I’m saying that I don’t think we’re done.



Performance Trends in AI

Epistemic Status: moderately confident

Edit To Add: It’s been brought to my attention that I was wrong to claim that progress in image recognition is “slowing down”. As classification accuracy approaches 100%, obviously improvements in raw scores will be smaller, by necessity, since accuracy can’t exceed 100%. If you look at negative log error rates rather than raw accuracy scores, improvement in image recognition (as measured by performance on the ImageNet competition) is increasing roughly linearly over 2010-2016, with a discontinuity in 2012 with the introduction of deep learning algorithms.

Deep learning has revolutionized the world of artificial intelligence. But how much does it improve performance?  How have computers gotten better at different tasks over time, since the rise of deep learning?

In games, what the data seems to show is that exponential growth in data and computation power yields exponential improvements in raw performance. In other words, you get out what you put in. Deep learning matters, but only because it provides a way to turn Moore’s Law into corresponding performance improvements, for a wide class of problems.  It’s not even clear it’s a discontinuous advance in performance over non-deep-learning systems.

In image recognition, deep learning clearly is a discontinuous advance over other algorithms.  But the returns to scale and the improvements over time seem to be flattening out as we approach or surpass human accuracy.

In speech recognition, deep learning is again a discontinuous advance. We are still far away from human accuracy, and in this regime, accuracy seems to be improving linearly over time.

In machine translation, neural nets seem to have made progress over conventional techniques, but it’s not yet clear if that’s a real phenomenon, or what the trends are.

In natural language processing, trends are positive, but deep learning doesn’t generally seem to do better than trendline.



These are Elo ratings of the best computer chess engines over time.

There was a discontinuity in 2008, corresponding to a jump in hardware; this was the Rybka 2.3.1, a tree-search-based engine without any deep learning or indeed probabilistic elements. Apart from that, progress looks roughly linear.

Here again is the Swedish Chess Computer Association data on Elo scores over time:


Deep learning chess engines have only just recently been introduced; Giraffe, originated by Matthew Lai at Imperial College London, was created in 2015. It only has an Elo rating of 2412, about equivalent to late-90’s-era computer chess engines. (Of course, learning to predict patterns in good moves probabilistically from data is a more impressive achievement than brute-force computation, and it’s quite possible that deep-learning-based chess engines, once tuned over time, will improve.)


(Figures from the Nature paper on AlphaGo.)


Fan Hui is a human player.  Alpha Go performed notably better than its predecessors Crazy Stone (2008, beat human players in mini go games), Pachi (2011), Fuego (2010), and GnuGo, all MCTS programs, but without deep learning or GPUs. AlphaGo uses much more hardware and more data.

Miles Brundage has argued that AlphaGo doesn’t represent that much of a surprise given the improvements in hardware and data (and effort).  He also graphed the returns in Elo rating to hardware by the AlphaGo team:


In other words, exponential growth in hardware produces only roughly linear (or even sublinear) growth in performance as measured by Elo score. To do better would require algorithmic innovation as well.

Arcade Games

Artificial Atari games are scored relative to a human professional playtester: (Computer score – random play)/(Human score – random play).

Compare to Elo scores: the ratio of expected scores for player A vs. player B is Q_A / Q_B, where Q_A = 10^(E_A/400), E_A being the Elo score.

Linear growth in Elo scores is equivalent to exponential growth in absolute scores.

Miles Brundage’s blog also offers a trend in Atari performance that looks exponential:


This would, of course, still be plausibly linear in Elo score.

Superhuman performance at arcade games is already here:


This was a single reinforcement learner trained with a convolutional neural net over images of the game screen outputting behaviors (arrows).  Basically it’s dynamic programming, with a nonlinear approximation of the Q-function that estimates the quality of a move; in Deepmind’s case, that Q-function approximator is a convolutional neural net.  Apart from the convnet, Q-learning with function approximation has been around since the 90’s and Q-learning itself since 1989.

Interestingly enough, here’s a video of a computer playing Breakout:

It obviously doesn’t “know” the law of reflection as a principle, or it would place the bar near where the ball will eventually land, and it doesn’t.  There are erratic jerky movements that obviously could not in principle be optimal.  It does, however, find the optimal strategy of tunnelling through the bricks and hitting the ball behind the wall.  This is creative learning but not conceptual learning.

You can see the same phenomenon in a game of Pong:

The learned agent performs much better than the hard-coded agent, but moves more jerkily and “randomly” and doesn’t know the law of reflection.  Similarly, the reports of AlphaGo producing “unusual” Go moves are consistent with an agent that can do pattern-recognition over a broader space than humans can, but which doesn’t find the “laws” or “regularities” that humans do.

Perhaps, contrary to the stereotype that contrasts “mechanical” with “outside-the-box” thinking, reinforcement learners can “think outside the box” but can’t find the box?


Image recognition as measured by ImageNet classification performance has improved dramatically with the rise of deep learning.


There’s a dramatic performance improvement starting in 2012, corresponding to Geoffrey Hinton’s winning entry, followed by a leveling-off.  Plausibly accuracy is an S-shaped curve.

How does accuracy scale with processing power?

This paper from Baidu illustrates:


The performance of a deep neural net follows an S-shaped curve over time spent training, but works faster with more GPUs.  How much faster?


Each doubling in GPUs provides only a linear boost in speed.  At a given time interval for training (as one would have in a timed competition), this means that doubling the number of GPUs would result in a sublinear boost in accuracy.



Using the performance data from Yann LeCun’s website, we can see that deep neural nets hugely improved MNIST digit recognition accuracy. The best algorithms of 1998, which were convolutional nets and boosted convolutional nets due to LeCun, had error rates of 0.7-0.8. Within 5 years, that had dropped to error rates of 0.4, within 10 years, to 0.39 (also a convolutional net), within 15 years, to 0.23, and within 20 years, to 0.21.  Clearly, performance on MNIST is leveling off; it took five years to halve and then 20 years to halve again.

As with ImageNet, we may be getting close to the limits of deep-learning performance (which may easily be human-level.)

Speech Recognition

Before the rise of deep learning, speech recognition was already progressing rapidly, though it was leveling off in conversational speech well above the 10% accuracy rate.


Then, in 2011, the advent of context-dependent deep neural network hidden Markov models produced a discontinuity in performance:


More recently, accuracy has continued to progress:

Nuance, a dictation software company, shows steadily improving performance on word recognition through to the present day, with a plausibly exponential trend.


Baidu has progressed even faster, as of 2015, in speech recognition on Mandarin.


As of 2016, the best performance on the NIST 2000 Switchboard set (of phone conversations) is due to Microsoft, with a word-error rate of 6.3%.


Machine translation is evaluated by BLEU score, which compares the translation to the reference via overlap in words or n-grams.  BLEU scores range from 0 to 1, with 1 being perfect translation.  As of 2012, Tilde’s  had BLEU scores in the 0.25-0.45 range, with Google and Microsoft performing similarly but worse.

In 2016, Google came out with a new neural-network-based version of its translation tool.  BLEU scores on English -> French and English -> German were 0.404 and 0.263 respectively. Human evaluations, however, rated the neural machine translations 60-87% better.

OpenMT, the machine translation contest, had top BLEU scores in 2012 of about 0.4 for Arabic-to-English, 0.32 for Chinese-to-English, 0.24 for Dari-to-English, 0.27 for Farsi-to-English, and 0.11 for Korean-to-English.

In 2008, Urdu-to-English had top BLEU scores of 0.32, Arabic-to-English scores of 0.48, and Chinese-to-English scores of 0.30.

This doesn’t correspond to an improvement in machine translation at all. Apart from Google’s improvement in human ratings, celebrated in this New York Times Magazine article, it’s unclear whether neural networks actually improve BLEU scores at all. On the other hand, scoring metrics may be an imperfect match to translation quality.

Natural Language Processing

The Association for Computational Linguistics Wiki has some numbers on state of the art performance for various natural language processing tasks.

SAT analogies have been becoming more accurate over time, roughly linearly, until the present day when they are roughly as accurate as the average US college applicant.  None of these are deep learning techniques.


Question answering (multiple choice of sentences that answer the question) has improved roughly steadily over time, with a discontinuity around 2006.  Neural nets did not start being used until 2014, but were not a discontinuous advance from the best models of 2013.


Paraphrase identification (recognizing if one paragraph is a paraphrase of another) seems to have risen steadily over the past decade, with no special boost due to deep learning techniques; the top performance is not from deep learning but from matrix factorization.


On NLP tasks that have a long enough history to graph, there seems to be no clear indication that deep learning performs above trendline.

Trends relative to processing power and time

Performance/accuracy returns to processing power seem to differ based on problem domain.

In image recognition, we see sublinear returns to linear improvements in processing power, and gains leveling off over time as computers reach and surpass human-level performance. This may mean simply that image recognition is a nearly-solved problem.

In NLP, we see roughly linear improvements over time, and in machine translation, it’s unclear if we see any trends in improvements over time, both of which suggest sublinear returns to processing power, but this is not very confident.

In games, we see roughly linear returns to linear improvements in processing power, which means exponential improvements in performance over time (because of Moore’s law and increasing investment in AI).

This would suggest that far-superhuman abilities are more likely to be possible in game-like problem domains.

What does this imply about deep learning?

What we’re seeing here is that deep learning algorithms can provide improvements in narrow AI across many types of problem domains.

Deep learning provides discontinuous jumps relative to previous machine learning or AI performance trendlines in image recognition and speech recognition; it doesn’t in strategy games or natural language processing, and machine translation and arcade games are ambiguous (machine translation because metrics differ; arcade games because there is no pre-deep-learning comparison.)

A speculative thought: perhaps deep learning is best for problem domains oriented around sensory data? Images or sound, rather than symbols. If current neural net architectures, like convolutional nets, mimic the structure of the sensory cortex of the brain, which I think they do, one would expect this result.

Arcade games would be more analogous to the motor cortex, and perceptual control theory suggests that something similar to Q-learning may be going on in motor learning, though I’d have to learn more to be confident in that.  If mammalian motor learning turns out to look like Q-learning, I’d expect deep reinforcement learning to be especially good in arcade games and robotics, just as deep neural networks are especially good in visual and audio classification.

Deep learning hasn’t really proven itself better than trendline in strategy games (Go and chess) or in natural language tasks.

I might wonder if there are things humans can do with concepts and symbols and principles, the traditional tools of the “higher intellect”, the skills that show up on highly g-loaded tasks, that deep learning cannot do with current algorithms. Obviously hard-coding rules into an AI has grave limitations (the failure of such hard-coded systems was what caused several of the AI winters), but there may also be limitations to non-conceptual pattern recognition.  The continued difficulty of automating language-based tasks may be related to this issue.

Miles Brundage points out,

Progress so far has largely been toward demonstrating general approaches for building narrow systems rather than general approaches for building general systems. Progress toward the former does not entail substantial progress toward the latter. The latter, which requires transfer learning among other elements, has yet to have its Atari/AlphaGo moment, but is an important area to keep an eye on going forward, and may be especially relevant for economic/safety purposes.

I agree.  General AI systems, as far as I know, do not exist today, and the million-dollar question is whether they can be built with algorithms similar to those used today, or if there are further fundamental algorithmic advances that have yet to be discovered. So far, I think there is no empirical evidence from the world of deep learning to indicate that today’s deep learning algorithms are headed for general AI in the near future.  Discontinuous performance jumps in image recognition and speech recognition with the advent of deep learning are the most suggestive evidence, but it’s not clear whether those are above and beyond returns to processing power. And so far I couldn’t find any estimates of trends in cross-domain generalization ability.  Whether deep learning algorithms can be general-purpose is perhaps a more theoretical question; what we can say is that recent AI progress doesn’t offer any reason to suspect that they already are.